The 3 Key Steps To Getting Hired Today

The 3 key steps To Getting Hired Today:

1.RESEARCH the position you will be applying for thoroughly! I cannot stress this point enough, because an educated candidate is going to have a superior edge over a candidate that “thinks” they know what the employer is looking for but does not. DON’T THINK…..KNOW! Here is how you go about educating yourself in a complete and thorough manner:
Become an EXPERT on the position you are applying for ( even if you believe you already are ) you can always learn more specific targeted information about the position…by conducting in- depth research; on google for example, you can search the top 10 openings in the country for the specific position and see exactly what these employers are searching for. Read online resumes for specific skill sets and computer related platforms you need to be up to speed on. READ trade journals, search news releases that may contain changing technology in your field and check out any training programs that may provide an edge by adding to your skill set.
CALL other companies outside of your state that are hiring for the same position and ask the HR Director as many questions as possible to really dig for those pieces of information that may help you in local interviews. BE CREATIVE in your conversation and establish a dialogue with these hiring professionals in order to further your insight into what they may be looking for specifically.
CHECK OUT PODCASTS related to the position, you can find a goldmine of FREE information that can provide that little bit extra that may secure you that new position Today.

2. FIND THE NUMBER for the employer you have chosen to interview with and CALL THEM DIRECTLY,
explain to them that you are only available to interview for the next 2 days and you would like to interview TODAY.
Be clear in the fact that they were recommended by a business associate who had heard only good things about them and that you would hate to miss the opportunity. Be professional, but be aggressive! People like determination and focus! Get the interview scheduled, ( if not for TODAY, then persuade them to schedule you for tomorrow ). CREATE URGENCY! BE PERSISTENT! GET THE INTERVIEW!

3. NAIL THE INTERVIEW! You are an expert in your field, you know the industry inside and
out and can communicate your knowledge clearly and with passion!
BE FLEXIBLE! on starting pay, and scheduling (once you are hired and working for a time,
you can renegotiate from a position of strength!)
Tell them you only interview at one company and this is THE ONE. (CONVICTION PAYS!)