Apple iPad

January 27th, 2010

Three words;
No Holographic Display.
I’ll have to keep waiting ……. In the mean time here is the new Apple iPad… Still a very exciting piece of tech:

The Key To Mobile PodCasts

November 19th, 2009

Recently I have been recording content for future podcasts and I needed a mobile setup that was both inexpensive and super easy to utilize. Here is what I found and currently use for my onsite PodCasts:

  • MacBook Pro 2.26 GHz Intel Core Duo with 2GB of Ram 160GB HD-$1199.00 { I really love the MacBook Pro because it’s light, compact, and durable with it’s beautiful aluminum case, the best part is the keyboard lights up for those late night editing sessions when I feel dark and moody}
  • GarageBandFree! Comes installed on any new Mac {GarageBand is fantastic! All you do is either record your audio directly into GarageBand or load your pre-recorded audio files into the program. GarageBand gives you full editing control over your sound tracks and you can even add theme music or background music as well as any effects from your sound library.
  • iPhone or iPod Touch$99.00-$299.00 for iPhone and $199.00-$399.00 for iPod Touch {This comes down to whatever your real world needs are, either one is perfectly fine for PodCasting because they each have the ability to run apps and dock with an external microphone, which is what you will be using to record your PodCasts.
  • Four Track by Sonoma Wire Works or FiRe by Audiofile Engineering- $9.99 for each {These are two of the highest quality, most effective Studio Quality recording apps for the iPhone/iPod Touch} Note: In the app store search window type in audiofile engineering to pull up the FiRe app, this is the only way I have successfully searched for it.
  • Blue Mikey-$79.99 {This is the highest quality studio mic I have seen, that docks directly to the iPhone/iPod Touch. The price cannot be beat and you will love the sound quality! Mikey docks to your iPhone/iPod Touch perfectly and has three sound pickup settings to choose from, whether your having normal conversation or playing some licks on your guitar this mic is perfect!

Simply plug Blue Mikey into your iPhone/iPod Touch, launch either FiRe or Four Track and start recording. When your finished, you can load your recording via WiFi into GarageBand and you are free to start your editing and customization.

These powerful tools working together, create an extremely agile and professional level solution for your PodCasting adventures.

Now go make something happen!

The 3 Key Steps To Getting Hired Today

November 5th, 2009

The 3 key steps To Getting Hired Today:

1.RESEARCH the position you will be applying for thoroughly! I cannot stress this point enough, because an educated candidate is going to have a superior edge over a candidate that “thinks” they know what the employer is looking for but does not. DON’T THINK…..KNOW! Here is how you go about educating yourself in a complete and thorough manner:
Become an EXPERT on the position you are applying for ( even if you believe you already are ) you can always learn more specific targeted information about the position…by conducting in- depth research; on google for example, you can search the top 10 openings in the country for the specific position and see exactly what these employers are searching for. Read online resumes for specific skill sets and computer related platforms you need to be up to speed on. READ trade journals, search news releases that may contain changing technology in your field and check out any training programs that may provide an edge by adding to your skill set.
CALL other companies outside of your state that are hiring for the same position and ask the HR Director as many questions as possible to really dig for those pieces of information that may help you in local interviews. BE CREATIVE in your conversation and establish a dialogue with these hiring professionals in order to further your insight into what they may be looking for specifically.
CHECK OUT PODCASTS related to the position, you can find a goldmine of FREE information that can provide that little bit extra that may secure you that new position Today.

2. FIND THE NUMBER for the employer you have chosen to interview with and CALL THEM DIRECTLY,
explain to them that you are only available to interview for the next 2 days and you would like to interview TODAY.
Be clear in the fact that they were recommended by a business associate who had heard only good things about them and that you would hate to miss the opportunity. Be professional, but be aggressive! People like determination and focus! Get the interview scheduled, ( if not for TODAY, then persuade them to schedule you for tomorrow ). CREATE URGENCY! BE PERSISTENT! GET THE INTERVIEW!

3. NAIL THE INTERVIEW! You are an expert in your field, you know the industry inside and
out and can communicate your knowledge clearly and with passion!
BE FLEXIBLE! on starting pay, and scheduling (once you are hired and working for a time,
you can renegotiate from a position of strength!)
Tell them you only interview at one company and this is THE ONE. (CONVICTION PAYS!)


Finding Your Niche

October 25th, 2009

Everyone has their own opinion about finding your niche and they all differ in many ways, I will tell you the secret to finding your niche right now….. KNOW YOUR MARKET! Yes you need to know your market inside and out in order to determine that specific window of opportunity which lies within ( that’s going to be your niche ).
No amount of guessing compares to knowing what is relevant and explosive within your target market. Once you attain the knowledge required to make the call, explode into action my friend, for if you have determined what you believe to be “THE NICHE”, most likely someone else is not far behind.
Note any other possibilities ( you may need or want to test and exploit them at a later date ).
Go out there and make something happen!

Welcome To Boston Brain Bank

October 25th, 2009

Welcome to Welcome to Boston Brain Bank!
We are a full service Concierge Internet Business Consultancy.

We are here to HELP you get your Internet Based business started TODAY!
Here is what Boston Brain Bank will do for you:

-Conceptualize: BBB will consult with you on a one to one basis via Web Meeting, TeleMeeting or Email and Conceptualize your idea into an Internet Business you will be proud of. Once we have your Business Plan we will:
-Create a Domain Name for you ( if you do not already have the perfect name we will find it )
-Assist you in the legal formation of your New Company
-Create a State Of The Art Web Presence (not just a website) through:
UTILIZATION: BBB Utilizes today’s latest technology to put your Internet Based Business on the Bleeding Edge of today’s markets. This is the core of any Internet Based Business. BBB will maximize your profitability by:
-MONETIZATION: Sure you are making a profit to some degree, however you need to ask the question: How much profit am I leaving on the table? BBB will uncover new revenue streams, alternate income opportunities as well as identify untapped areas where potential income lies unrealized.

Contact us today for a free consultation@:

Finding The Perfect Job

July 17th, 2009

Finding the perfect job in todays brutal job market is an extremely difficult task which takes a high degree of knowledge and expertise. People are constantly asking the question: Can you find something that will pay me what I used to receive on monthly basis and can you find it fast?
The answer is both simple and complex, as there are many more people out there competing for the same positions. The first part of the answer is yes, however finding an employer who will match your previous salary may take a considerable amount of time ( months ) before finding the position which satisfies this criteria. During this search period you are most likely not making any income and every day without income is money you are “leaving on the table”. The result being that your eventual salary is ultimately decreased in direct proportion to the amount of time it took to find your new position, thereby lowering your “matched” salary.
I advise my clients to take the first reasonable job offer which satisfies their immediate need for income, and continue the search for their target salary in parallel. Once the desired salary is offered, you can depart your interim position with maximum income attained.
In respect to the speed at which a job can be located, the answer is yes we can find a position quickly, but not necessarily one that will match your previous salary. As stated previously, while speed is desirable it is not always realistic. The chances are that you will need to start with a position which pays less, until you find a position that pays more. One needs to favor patience and strategy over immediate desire and perceived need.